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Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato wants what any other potato wants. A nice warm oven to sleep in, lots of friends she can say "Spuds up?" to, and to be buried in slabs of butter. Despite being the biggest couch potato and insisting her entire body touch as much of yours as it can, she does have an adventurous side. When given the chance and the boost of confidence Sweet Potato is out to conquer the world. If you're looking for that special potato in your life then grab your cinnamon and your marshmallows because Sweet Potato is a casserole. Head over to to fill out an application for this perfect little carb.
Good with older children
Good with other dogs
Good with cats
Good with younger children
Age Group: Young
Size (when grown): Small (1-25 lbs)
Energy Level: Low
Special Needs: None
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