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Hello, Operator? I’d like to make a collect call to Courage.
Shy, reserved, and a little bit nervous, Courage will make you work for his love (Unless you have some “candy” in your pocket!). Like most senior citizens you can often catch Courage napping, reminiscing about ‘back in his day’, and yelling at any whipper snappers that dare step onto his lawn. But don’t worry, he won’t care what temperature you set the thermostat on. At the ripe old age of nine, Courage still enjoys a more active lifestyle. His favorites include donning his cardigan to go for long walks before the traffic, strapping on his life vest for a tour at sea, and catching the early bird special at his favorite diner. So if you’ve fallen for Courage and you can’t get up, please head over to the to apply for Courage. If you have trouble finding the page we can Mapquest you some directions.
Good with older children
Good with dogs
Unknown with cats
Prefers a home without young children
Age Group: Senior
Size: Small (1-25 lbs)
Energy Level: Medium
Special Needs: None
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